Brothers J and Eric discuss two Jeff Goldblum films from the 80’s: Transylvania 6-5000 and Vibes. One was described by Brother J as hot garbage juice. Vibes had Cyndi Lauper and Peter Falk so was, by definition, better and might be the goofy PG movie you’re looking for in these troubled times.


T6-5000 starts immediately


Vibes starts at 00:41:42 and goes to 00:55:45

at which point we get visited by Little J.


Housekeeping starts at 01:09:15 during which they discuss politics as blood-sport and house-hunting. 


File length 1:42:55

File Size 74.5 MB


Theme by Jul Big Green via SongFinch

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Direct download: NIACW_378_Transylvania_6_5000_and_Vibes.mp3
Category:movies -- posted at: 9:16pm AKST