Brothers Drew and Eric talk about James Mangold’s 1997 Sylvester Stallone, Harvey Keitel, Robert De Niro movie “Cop Land.” There’s an all-star cast but it’s a bit goofy. Drew loved it. Eric, well… not as much.


Cop Land talk starts at about 08:00


Housekeeping starts about 50:00 during which Eric tells of plumbing issues, Drew tells of an awkward social encounter, and they discuss middle school.


File length 1:18:06

File Size 52.9 MB

Theme by Jul Big Green via SongFinch

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Direct download: NIACW_514_Cop_Land.mp3
Category:movies -- posted at: 4:54pm AKST

Brothers J and Eric talk about Wes Anderson’s The French Dispatch, a fake French movie meant to make you feel good. Then they discuss Pascal Lougier’s Martyrs, a real French movie meant to make you feel uncomfortable. Let us be absolutely clear: Eric watched Martyrs so you don’t have to. He has born witness. You’re welcome.


The French Dispatch talk begins immediately, Martyrs begins at 40:00.


Housekeeping starts at 1:39:00 during which they discuss linguistic difficulties with seasonal desserts, Nish Kumar, Joe Lycett, and The Diplomat.


File length 1:50:29

File Size 79.8 MB

Theme by Jul Big Green via SongFinch

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Direct download: NIACW_513_The_French_Dispatch_and_Martyrs.mp3
Category:movies -- posted at: 12:58pm AKST

Brothers J and Drew watched the just-plain-bad Sylvester Stallone movie Samaritan so you don’t have to. Enjoy the banter between the brothers because there’s very little entertaining about the film.


Housekeeping starts about 33:00 during which they discuss Evil, Picard, Discovery, Desperate Housewives, Charmed, Friends, Grey’s Anatomy, NCIS, the Winchesters, Silo, the prospect of Dune 2: the reDuninging, and White House Plumbers.


File length 1:09:05

File Size 46.9 MB


Theme by Jul Big Green via SongFinch

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Direct download: NIACW_512_Samaritan_2022.mp3
Category:movies -- posted at: 3:36pm AKST

The brothers take on the most mid-90’s of mid-90’s cyberpunk movies: Strange Days, starring Angela Bassett, Juliette Lewis, and Ralph Fiennes as Bradley Cooper. Early on Eric swerves into a tangent referencing (but not discussing in any detail) the French extreme horror film Martyrs and how to find single podcast episodes about a topic.


Housekeeping starts at 53:10 wherein they discuss the Writers Guild of America strike, Siri’s concerns for us, and our concerns about AI.


File length 1:12:15

File Size 51.9 MB


Theme by Jul Big Green via SongFinch

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Direct download: NIACW_511_Strange_Days.mp3
Category:movies -- posted at: 2:09pm AKST