NIACW 132 Heist

2001’s Heist is a David Mamet film starring Gene Hackman. Nothing more needs to be said. Go see it then listen to Drew and Eric gush over it. Eric and Drew then discuss their mother’s influence over the film genres they love, Drew recounts an in-law story about teachable moments, and they talk about escape rooms. BONUS: Starting at 44:25 we have a long-ago recorded conversation between Brother J and Travis about the movie Ghost Writer after having listened to Drew and Eric discuss the film. Technical note: Jason was working with voice 1.5 after his surgery and Travis sounds like he was speaking from the moon.

File length 1:11:30

File Size 65.8 MB

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Direct download: NIACW_132_Heist.mp3
Category:movies -- posted at: 11:06pm AKST