NIACW 135 Goldfinger

Goldfinger is iconic and provides the template for the Bond movie formula but it is not a good movie. Drew has especially harsh words. Beforehand Drew recommends Star Wars The Force Awakens then Drew and J have their signature segment Cigar Talk. Goldfingering starts at 11:37 during which we tangent off into Catch-22, Breakfast at Tiffanys, Haruki Murakami, Flemming’s problem with lesbians, and why the gold standard is importance to understanding this movie.

File length 1:26:50

File Size 79.7 MB

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Category:movies -- posted at: 7:04pm AKST

NIACW 134 Memento

Memento holds up, which is a relief. We all agree that the longer it has been since one has seen it the more one enjoys it. First we discuss David Bowie and musical gifts from our father then onto artists like Michael Franks and Trio followed by some home improvement stories. Memento talk runs from 36:00-1:31:00. Then the brothers discuss memory and personal narratives then Brother J and Drew discuss cigars.

File length 1:57:53

File Size 108.2 MB

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Category:movies, music -- posted at: 11:40am AKST

NIACW 133 Idiocracy

Idiocracy is probably a better idea than it is a movie. Listen to all 3 Anderbros discuss this film and tangent off into all sorts of other things. Idiocracy talk runs from 15:00 to about 40:00. Afterward they discuss developing signature segments and then we hear from Mother Anderson. After that is some housekeeping which would usually have been edited out but it might be interesting to some to pull back the curtain somewhat. Oh and it devolves into tales of dentistry so fair warning there.

File length 1:14:53

File Size 68.8 MB

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Category:movies -- posted at: 9:36am AKST

NIACW 132 Heist

2001’s Heist is a David Mamet film starring Gene Hackman. Nothing more needs to be said. Go see it then listen to Drew and Eric gush over it. Eric and Drew then discuss their mother’s influence over the film genres they love, Drew recounts an in-law story about teachable moments, and they talk about escape rooms. BONUS: Starting at 44:25 we have a long-ago recorded conversation between Brother J and Travis about the movie Ghost Writer after having listened to Drew and Eric discuss the film. Technical note: Jason was working with voice 1.5 after his surgery and Travis sounds like he was speaking from the moon.

File length 1:11:30

File Size 65.8 MB

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Category:movies -- posted at: 11:06pm AKST