Brothers Drew and Eric talk about the two zombie films release within a month in 2016 and directed by Sang-ho Yeon. Train to Busan is a worth entry into the pantheon of zombie films. Seoul Station takes place in the same universe but the story is… darker.


An extra spoiler warning on this one, you’ll want to go into Seoul Station with as little knowledge as possible so maybe skip that section if the movie interests you. Come back and re-listen when you’ve seen it. Or if you don’t want a darker take on a zombie movie let us spoil it for you!


Train to Busan starts immediately

Seoul Station goes from 00:43:45 to 1:20:05


Housekeeping begins at 1:20:05 and we bring Brother J in to discuss the breaking news of the death of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg as well as the upcoming Presidential Election, wild fires, picking escapist videogames inappropriately, leeches, fish, going back to school in the flesh, Apple products, and the anticipation of new pets.


File length 2:07:27

File Size 94.4 MB

Theme by Jul Big Green via SongFinch

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Direct download: NIACW_375_Train_to_Busan__Seoul_Station.mp3
Category:movies -- posted at: 9:17pm AKST

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