The Kings Speech the perfect Oscar movie: great cast, great performances, and a feel-good story.  Apologies to UK listeners for any mistakes we make with the history involved.

Along the way they discuss The Crown, Exploding Head Syndrome, Brain on Fire, Homicide: Life on the Street, Islands in the Stream, DOA by Bloodrock, and Okja


Housekeeping starts at 1:08:00

Toenail Talk starts at 1:22:00



The Crown trailer

Oaktown 357 - Juicy Gotcha Krazy

Exploding Head Syndrome

Brain on Fire by Susannah Cahalan

Homicide: Life on the Street

Islands in the Stream

D.O.A. - Bloodrock



File length 1:34:48

File Size 87.0 MB


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Direct download: NIACW_201_The_Kings_Speech.mp3
Category:movies -- posted at: 10:10pm AKST

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