Episode 200 is Los Bros Andersons and Dr Wonders discussing the last 100 episodes and plans for the future. At the end we have outtakes from the last hundred episodes and the entire Wolfgang supercut (sorry Connie and Mother Anderson). Go to the website for Drew’s amazing number crunching.

00:00:01 Intro blabbity blab

00:11:00 how we make the sausage

00:27:00 how we each watch the movies

00:46:00 list of movie genres we have covered

00:59:00 most downloaded episodes

01:07:00 Travis departs for slumber

01:08:45 Drew sciences the shit out of the Anderson Brothers’ favorite movies

01:38:00 Drew’s modest proposal

01:43:40 feedback from Dougie

01:55:32 outtakes from the last 100

02:03:47 Wolfgang supercut



The Golden Ratio by Mario Livio


File length 2:05:55

File Size 115.5 MB


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Direct download: NIACW_200_a_review.mp3
Category:movies -- posted at: 12:00am AKST

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