NIACW 156 On Her Majesty's Secret Service

With a new Bond, a crazy amount of reference to the old Bond, no spy gadgets to speak of, and a whiplash-inducing tone shift at the end On Her Majesty’s Secret Service is worthy of much discussion.

The podcast itself starts with an extended cold open. For those of you too impatient to listen to cold open shenanigans but who also read the show notes before listening, Bond talk begins just after minute 5.

Besides Bond, the Brothers reference the following:

We Got This, a Maximum Fun podcast,

Sean Connery on the Tonight Show 1983,

The Good Wife,


British or Gay ?,

Piz Gloria,

Who Loves Ya Baby 1975,

Frau Blücher,

The Last Policeman by Ben H. Winters,

Sean Connery on Slapping Women,

The Sad Story of Bond Girl Angela Scoular,

All Time Box Office Records,

the book Atomic Accidents,

tickling the dragon's tail,

World War Z audiobook,

The Glorious Cause, Lost At Sea: The Jon Ronson Mysteries,

Insane Clown Posse and Evangelical Christianity ,

and Gay Dinosaur Erotica

File length 1:56:29

File Size 106.9 MB

Do you write theme songs? Hit us up and we’ll talk about commissioning one (won’t ask an artist to do something for free that they do for money)

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Direct download: NIACW_156_On_Her_Majestys_Secret_Service.mp3
Category:movies -- posted at: 8:36pm AKST

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