NIACW 088 Whats Eating Gilbert Grape

Whats Eating Gilbert Grape is not a knee-slapping rib-tickling comedy. Travis, Brother J, and Eric dive in and discuss all the facets of this bittersweet gem. Along the way they also talk about The Babadook, The 100 foot Journey, Tropic Thunder, Shallow Hal, Happy Days, Walk Hard, Jem and the Holograms, Jack White, Kevin Pollak, and arson. Lastly Travis and Brother J discuss Tsarnaev and the death penalty once more, we have more Santa Barbara talk, and Eric tells the abbreviated version of the sad, sad story of Dave Foley.

File length 1:19:57

File Size 73.4 MB

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Direct download: NIACW_088_Whats_Eating_Gilbert_Grape.mp3
Category:movies -- posted at: 2:39pm AKST

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