NIACW 162 Live and Let Die

Live and Let Die, a rare film that is so much better than the novel. It’s our first Roger Moore so light a cigar and don’t go off half-cocked while watching the voodoo that Q do so well


Live and Let Die audiobook

Papa Doc Duvalier

Pulsar P2 2900 LED digital watch

the Corvorado pimpmobile

titanium spork

Roger Moore as James Bond in 1964

Stanley Kubrick's daughter on the moon landing theory

I Will Row Through Shit for America

fun family stories: 25:45-35:33

Live the Let Die, the novel, at 1:18:50

Housekeeping starts at 1:28:55

File length 1:45:04

File Size 96.4 MB

Do you write theme songs? Hit us up and we’ll talk about commissioning one (won’t ask an artist to do something for free that they do for money)

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Direct download: NIACW_162_Live_and_Let_Die.mp3
Category:movies -- posted at: 12:44am AKST