NIACW 146 Terminator Genisys

Genisys is a nice way to end our Terminator run. It’s not the best of the movies but it’s certainly not the worst. Later J and Drew tell ghost stories! Along the way the brothers discuss sneakers, more about Snow’s Informer 1992 , The Smurf’s theme song , the Happy Tree Friends theme song , CD long boxes, AT&T cellphone troubles, Boaty McBoatface, helicopters, Richard Matheson’s novel I Am Legend, Jurassic World, The People Vs OJ Simpson, the My Favorite Murder podcast, and the Sword and Scale podcast.

Drew’s Ghost Experience is at approximately 1:14:30

Jason’s Ghost Experience is at approximately 1:22:30

File length 1:42:36

File Size 94.1 MB

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Direct download: NIACW_146_Terminator_Genisys.mp3
Category:movies -- posted at: 5:54pm AKST