NIACW 103 Jay Z Fade to Black

Two middle aged white guys, one of whom has no history with rap or hip hop and the other of whom is the much cooler younger brother, discuss the Jay Z concert film Fade to Black. Worst case, it costs you no cheddah to listen to us so enjoy! Oh and I know, Eric describes a very meta rapper pendant and keeps calling it a Rick Ruben pendant but it really belongs to Rick Ross. Along the way we also talk about Metallica, Ozzy Osbourne, and I include a clip by the Fatboy Slim mix of Cornershop’s Brimful of Asha, Robbie Williams, and dad stuff

File length 1:16:27

File Size 70.3 MB

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Direct download: NIACW_103_Jay_Z_Fade_to_Black.mp3
Category:movies, music -- posted at: 1:45pm AKST