NIACW 185 Octopussy

Octopussy proves that one can forgive a lot of goofiness if the pacing is fast enough. It has clowns, twins, an all-girl ninja force, a Faberge egg, elephants, a tiger, a submarine that looks like a crocodile, a nuclear bomb, and a crazy Russian general but it’s still fairly grounded to reality.

Also: true elevator horror story

Orlando Sentinel:

Elevator Crushes Woman Caught Between Floors

October 1, 1991 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA —

A woman was crushed in a parking garage elevator as fellow passengers tried to save her. The woman was caught Sunday between floors of the J.C. Penney Co. parking garage elevator. She was getting on when the elevator started going up and she slipped, police said. ''As she stepped on the elevator, it suddenly started to go up,'' police Lt. Bill Gaither said. ''There was no one standing at the control panel, and the doors stayed open.'' The woman dangled half on and half off the elevator and was crushed as five other passengers frantically pressed buttons to save her, Gaither said.



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File length 1:16:18

File Size 70.1 MB


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Category:movies -- posted at: 6:48pm AKST

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