NIACW 163 Contact and Take Shelter Redux

Redux: Contact and Take Shelter. Movies with ambiguous endings. Brothers J and Drew team up for an Eric-free revisiting of movies which they discussed without the other on previous episodes.


Thunder Sound Effect

NIACW episode 22 - Contact

Nixon Tape Gap

NIACW episode 40 - Take Shelter

Shit Nell Says

Transylvania 6-5000

Contact starts right away

Take Shelter starts at 26:20

The Speed round starts at 56:20

File length 1:43:40

File Size 95.2 MB

Do you write theme songs? Hit us up and we’ll talk about commissioning one (won’t ask an artist to do something for free that they do for money)

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Direct download: NIACW_163_Contact_and_Take_Shelter_Redux.mp3
Category:movies -- posted at: 1:05am AKST

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