NIACW 154 No Country For Old Men

There are no clean getaways in No Country for Old Men. It’s another 2 to 1 Anderbros vote, Brother J being the sole vote against it for plot reasons but all brothers found the performances to be gripping. Along the way the brothers discuss the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Two-Face from Batman, sad puppies versus starving kids, Mustang flight suit mishaps, office chair mishaps, a list of movie recommendations for our parents vacation, and 1990’s I Love You To Death

Drew Medical Update at 1:29:00

File length 1:42:22

File Size 93.9 MB

Here are some fun notes:

Total length of raw files: 2:15:00

Time required to just adjust levels, combine, and sync the three raw files: 20:00

Time to get to 1 hour of edited material: 2:23:00

Total time to edit a 1 hour 43 minute episode: 3:55:47

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Direct download: NIACW_154_No_Country_For_Old_Men.mp3
Category:movies -- posted at: 12:34am AKST

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