NIACW 027 Clue

Was it Eric in Studio E with the mic or Jason in Casa de Gryphon with the telephone or both as we puzzle through the 1985 film Clue starring… everyone we like?! We then give a preview of our Murder By Death episode and tangent off into talk about Wil Anderson’s TOFOP podcast, the racism of Outback Steakhouse, racism in general, the restaurant Sambos, the Spike Lee film Bamboozled, the film Confederate States of America, the comedy stylings of Ron Funches, the miserable failure that is the Ashton Kutcher Steve Jobs movie, and then we dive down the well of computer gadget talk.

File length 56:04

File Size 51.3 MB

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Direct download: NIACW_027_Clue.mp3
Category:movies -- posted at: 8:08pm AKST

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