NIACW 011 Tombstone

It’s all mustache and ambushes this week. Eric and Drew discuss perhaps the most fun western movie ever made: 1993’s Tombstone starring Kurt Russell, Val Kilmer, Sam Elliot, and Dana Delaney.

At approximately minute 48 we tangent off into a discussion of Jackie Kashian and how she had to shut down her husbands live action role play of Deadwood at their southern California home due to the inability to warn the neighbors that the language they were using was period appropriate and therefore not as offensive as it might sound in 2012. Jackie Kashian's podcast is The Dork Forest and she is at

We then dive back in and rejoice in this great film.

File length 1:36:12

File Size 88.2 MB

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Direct download: NIACW_011_Tombstone.mp3
Category:movies -- posted at: 10:09pm AKST

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