NIACW 004 Big Trouble

Brother J and I discuss the film Big Trouble based on a novel by Dave Barry. It has an all-star cast and in my opinion would have at least made its budget back if not for the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.

Discussed are: Big Trouble, Robin Hood Prince of Thieves, Robin Hood Men in Tights, Kevin Costner, James Bond, the podcast James Bonding, the Star Wars movies, the Star Trek movies, Elvis vs the Beatles, the relaxing properties of Threes Company, the Philip Rosenthal book Its a Good Thing You Are Funny, Everybody Loves Raymond, the documentary Exporting Raymond, Soap (the sitcom not the detergent). Comments are always welcome at

Direct download: NIACW_004_Big_Trouble.mp3
Category:movies -- posted at: 7:49pm AKST

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